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Relationships Between Systems:


In this assignment, Constant Air Volume, Geothermal, and Solar Water Heating HVAC systems were examined. The constant air volume system is the only complete system which can meet all of the HVAC demands of a building, it can regulate gas content, particles, pressure, etc. The geothermal system can only provide heating and cooling, while the solar system can only provide heating. So the solar system could be used to replace the boiler in the CAV system and the geothermal system could replace both the boiler and the chiller. These could reduce costs for fuel, and potentially reduce necessary piping and ductwork. Further investigation could be done into how well these systems complement each other, and when they could be installed together.

In general, the geothermal and solar systems are not complete systems. They cannot meet the full HVAC demands of a building, as they can only influence temperature. CAV systems are much more comprehensive, and control all HVAC aspects of a building utilizing a number of smaller systems, which could potentially include solar or geothermal systems.


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